
About Us

About Us

We are a a fully volunteer-run 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to reviving back the Indian traditional methods of teaching as was done by our grandparents and parents back home. Knowledge was passed on orally from one generation to another in ancient India. India has a great history of renowned scholars and creative geniuses. There is a samskara that was woven in the Indian living which we call the Bhartiya atma. Our effort is to give that samskara to the young children who are raised outside of India. While we believe in deeper learning, we make learning fun. We inspire their creativity and kindle their curiosity, so that the children fall madly in love with what they are learning. They develop interest to find out more about their roots and about Indian intellectual pursuit.

Our teaching is both traditional and creative where kids learn through songs, dance and drama. We want to produce leaders who are confident, balanced, creative and critical thinkers.

Our history lessons teach the great stories of Indian leaders and hardships they underwent. Through these lessons, children are taught different leadership skills and strategies to cope up difficult situations.